I just registered for the GRE.
I hope it’s worth the $160 and four hours of time I’ll have to take off work. (So another $32.)

I’ve decided to call this grad school application process “Operation Finish Line” in honor of Gilmore Girls, one of my favorite TV shows. In the 7th and final season, the main character Rory and her roommate, Paris, are seniors at Yale. Neither of them is entirely sure of what they want to do after graduation. Rory wants to be a journalist, and Paris wants to be either a doctor or a lawyer, so in order to get them organized to apply for schools, apply for grants and explore their job options, Paris puts together an elaborate schedule for them to get as much done as possible in their remaining months of college. There are many white boards involved.

I feel like I have slightly more direction than Paris and Rory, but I still need to be organized and on a schedule. I have conquered the first task! (Signing up for the GRE.)

The studying shall commence for 29 days starting Monday and culminating in the test on Sept. 29. That’s the Wednesday before The Rock’s fall retreat, which, if you recall, I am co-planning. I’m praying that week won’t be too stressful so that I can do well on the test.

Other deadlines include narrowing my list of 15 schools to four by Oct. 15 and applying to those four schools by Dec 1.

I’m excited and scared to start this process. Wish me the best of luck!


  1. If you haven’t taken math in awhile, I highly suggest studying that. It was my weakest point on the GRE (I’m also terrible at math). I also HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend (I tried spelling that 5 different ways and am just sure I still spelled it wrong!) getting Kaplan’s GRE prep book. That’s what I used, and it has a practice test, as well as basically refresher courses on almsot every topic in each major section of the GRE, and mini tests after each “lesson”. Great for people like me who hadn’t had an English or Math course in about 2 years prior to the test!
    Good luck studying! Call/text me if you have any questions about the GRE as I took it just last year in October. Praying for you!!!

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